Penerimaan Keluarga Terhadap Individu yang Mengalami Keterbelakangan Mental

ABSTRACT: The aim of this study is to explore the family acceptance to the son/daughter who is mentally retarded, as a step to help the optimalization process of  exceptional children and youth’s development. The qualitative method is used here with three families as research subjects. Each family has one mentally retarded child while the others children are normal. Many informa-tions of  these families are taken by an interview procedure with five people being as informans. The informans are the person who understand to all condition of subject. They are consist of parents, sibling, step sibling, and relative who lives with the family. The result of  this research show that among three cases of  family, only one of  them which trully accept the mentally retarded child. The acceptance in this research is related to several factors, such as: (1) Inter-action between family member; (2) The presence of  information of  child condition since prena-tal periode; (3) Level of understanding of mental retardation; (4) The readiness to face child condition which is different from normal one; and (5) Perception about person who is mentally retarded. This result also show that there are several variations of family reaction to the mentally retarded child.
Keywords: family acceptance, mental retardation
Penulis: Wiwin Hendriani, Ratih Handariyati, Tirta Malia Sakti
Kode Jurnal: jppsikologiperkembangandd060011

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