Pola Penyesuaian Perkawinan pada Periode Awal
ABSTRACT: The research aims a)
to describe of pattern of marriage adjustment among couples at early period,
b) to look for the factors supporting marriage adjustment, and c) to look for
factors pursuing process of marriage
adjustment. This research was a descriptive research and used case study as its
study method. Data and information obtained by interview and observation to
accurate subject. These subjects of
research were all its marriage age couple less than 10 year. Data
analyses conducted by categorize result of
themes interview and reconciled with result of observation at the family. This
categorization, then, described and narrated according to research problems.
Conclusions obtained from this research indicate that: a) pattern of marriage
adjustment conducted step by step. At phase of
honeymoon, couple still experiences the life fully happy, because
constituted by the love of early
marriage. At phase of fact recognition,
couple know the characteristic and habit which in fact from couple. At phase of
marriage crisis, process adjustment happened. If the couples, success in accepting fact hence
will be continued successfully phase accept the fact. If the couple
successfully overcome the problems in the family by adaptation and make the order and agreement in domestic
hence, so the real bliss phase will obtain; b) Supplementary factor of efficacy process the located couple marriage adjustment
in the case of reciprocating and accepting love, expression of affection,
respecting each other and esteeming, each other being opened between wife and
husband; and c) the resistor factors that process the marriage adjustment that
is one of the couple cannot accept the denaturing
and habit in early nuptials, husband and also initiative wife does not finish
the problem, cultural difference and religion among husband and wife.
Penulis: Cinde Anjani, Suryanto
Kode Jurnal: jppsikologiperkembangandd060009