Abstract: Development in
electronic science has improved sophisticated progressed in the use ofrobot in
industry such as making stuff lifted by robot. The objective of this study is
todesign and construct a prototype of robot that can obtain maximum speed of
motor whilebringing about one kg of stuff. Method used in this research is a
test to control directionand moving of a stuff lifted robot by remote joystick
as a remote control, using acombination of IC l293D, switching, protection
motor driver, and half bridge. Thoseequipments are used as DC driver motor that
will work when remote control sends input tothe circuit. Robot will move
forward, reverse, turn left and turn right if remote controlgives input to
direction switch circuit. When remote control sends input to protectioncircuit,
the arm of robot will move up or down. Results of this study show that robot cancarry
a maximum load of one kg with a maximum speed of 15 rpm, while the speed
willincrease to 48 rpm without load.
Penulis: Noveri Lysbetti M
Kode Jurnal: jpbiologidd100091