Bioaktivitas human Menopause Gonadotrophin (hMG) dan hMG Tergolikosilasi (hMGdG) dari Urin Perempuan Pascamenopause terhadap Terbentuknya Cleavage Embrio Sapi Secara In Vitro

Abstract: The aim of this study was to produce hMG from the urine of post-­menopausal women and to evaluate the influence of glycan removal from hMG glycoprotein molecule undergoing deglycocylation (hMGdG) in shortening the onset of cleavage embryo of bovine in vitro. The experiments were performed on: 1) the identification of hMG from the urine of postmenopausal women by confirming the glycoprotein characteristic; 2) the examination of biochemical characteristic of hMG deglycosylated using N-glycanase; 3) the influence of deglycosylated hMG on the onset of embryo of bovine cleavage in vitro.Urine samples were collected from 30 postmenopausal women. The result of SDS-PAGE demonstrated protein bands with molecular weight ranging from 19.4–107 kDa. Western Blot using anti-hMG monoclonal antibody (Catalogue CSA-614 Stressgen Bioreagents) showed that immunoreactivity at the band with molecular weight of 30 kDa which was a glycoprotein. The band result of Western blot referred with MW 30 kDa was glycoprotein. Glycoprotein is a protein molecule attached to carbohydrate molecule by using Glycoprotein Carbohidrat Estimation Kit 23260. The concentration rate of glycoprotein was 99860.00 μg/ml (PAS), protein was 66939.29 μg/ml (Biuret) and carbohydrate 32920.71 μg/mL (PAS). Concentration ratio of glycoprotein, protein and carbohydrate from molecule hMG was3: 2: 1. hMG from the urine of the 30 postmenopausal women was confirmed with the 30 kDa molecular weight glycoprotein characteristic. The Chemical characteristic of hMG undergoing enzymatic deglycosylation using N-glycanase reduced the molecular weight into 26 kDa. The deglycocylated hMG reduced the onset of cleavage embryo of bovine in vitro from 24 to 20 hours (p < 0.01).
Keyword: hMG, hMGdG, embryo cleavage, glycoprotein, deglycocylation
Penulis: Herry Agoes Hermadi, L. Mahaputra, Agus Abadi
Kode Jurnal: jpbiologidd110039

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