Eksploitasi dan Konservasi Sumberdaya Hayati Laut dan Pesisir di Indonesia
Abstract: Based on the Central
Bureau of Statistics (BPS), the total population in 2010 is predicted to reach
231 million people, or increase 29 million people compared with the 2000
population census data report, which recorded 202 million people. This
condition demands the availability of food, clothing, and shelter. One of the
solutions to manage human needs is by exploiting sea life and shoreline
resources in Indonesia. Indonesia is an archipelago with its enormously
potential sea life resources and shorelines. Over utilizing sea life resources
can damage the sea and shoreline ecosystems. The efforts have been conducted to
protect a balance in building and continuing sea life in water and sea life
ecosystems through the conservation done by society, scientists, and the
government. In this scientific review, the shoreline and sea life resources in
Indonesia are revealed.
Penulis: Hengky K. Baransano,
Jubhar C. Mangimbulude
Kode Jurnal: jpbiologidd110091