Ekspresi β Catenin dan β4 Integrin pada Karsinoma Sel Basal Agresif dan Nonagresif
Abstract: Aggressive basal
cell carcinoma (BCC) is a high risk type of BCC which frequently locally
aggressive and has been associated withgreater subclinical depth of extension
and a greater rate of local recurrence in BCC with aggressive histopathologic
variants. Recently,the role of molecular biology in predicting aggressiveness
of BCC has not been clear. The purpose of this study was to determine
theexpression of β catenin and β4 integrin in aggressiveness of BCC, to analyze
the expression of β catenin and β4 integrin which aregreater in aggressive BCC
than non aggressive BCC. This study was an observational with cross sectional
study from 58 primaryBCC patients visited skin surgery/Tumor division
Outpatient clinic M Hoesin General Hospital Palembang during period
Januari2008–December 2009 was involved. Characteristic primary BCC patient
results were recorded. Skin biopsy from primary BCC lesionwere taken and
Histopathological examination for detection BCC subtype and
Immunohistochemistry test for detection of β cateninand β4 integrin was
performed. The level of β catenin and β4 integrin was measured quantitatively.
Statistically data were analyzedby using the chi-square, independent sample t
test, and multiple logistic regression. The results of this study showed in
primaryBCC, there was a signifi cant correlation between expression of β
catenin and β4 integrin in aggressive and non aggressive of BCC(p < 0.05),
the expression of β catenin (t = –5006, p = 0,00) and β4 integrin (t = –3.714,
p = 0.00) was signifi cant greater in aggressivethan non aggressive of BCC,
there was signifi cant correlation between expression of β catenin and β4 integrin
in aggressiveness ofBCC (β catenin p ≤ 0.002, OR = 1.154; β4 integrin p ≤
0.004, OR = 1,067), which means the infl uence of β catenin a strong signifi
cant1,154 time and β4 integrin a strong signifi cant 1,067 time in
aggressiveness of BCC. The expression of β catenin and β4 integrin weresignifi
cantly greater in aggressive than non aggressive BCC, and there were signifi
cant correlation of β catenin and β4 integrin inaggressiveness of BCC with the
type of histopathology of BCC based on growth pattern.
Penulis: Yulia Farida Yahya, Saut
Sahat Pohan, Soetjipto, I Ketut Sudiana
Kode Jurnal: jpbiologidd120049