Identifikasi Learning Disability pada Anak Sekolah Dasar
Abstrak: This study aims to
identify learning disability on elementary school children. Learning disorders
faced by children who have learning
disabilities are grouped in four criteria: dyslexia, disgrafia, dyscalculia,
ADHD. Sample of this study were children
of primary school class III and IV are considered to have problems with
learning disabilities in the two
districts at the county of Kudus who drawn at random. As for primary schools as
the place to study as many as 10
elementary schools. Results of research conducted by observation, IQ tests and
tests the ability to learn to identify learning disabilities in children of primary school of 209 children
obtained the result that the child is having problems reading disabilities (dyslexia) as many as 43 children,
children who experience an inability to write (disgrafia) as many as 20 children, children who experience
disability numeracy (dyscalculia) as many as 13 children and none having attention disorder with hyperactivity, while
based on the results of research on other samples experiencing slow learner disruptions as much as 97 children.
Penulis: Trubus Raharjo, Fajar
Kawuryan, Latifah Nur Ahyani
Kode Jurnal: jpantropologidd110028