Manajemen Komplain Pelanggan Dalam Rangka Peningkatan Pelayanan di RSUD Dr. Iskak Tulungagung
Abstract: The purpose
of this study
was to described
how the management
of customer complaint
in order to improve
service in Dr.
Iskak Tulungagung hospital. The
background of this
research is the phenomenon a
lot of complaint
about healthy services.
Health is important
pillar in the government
service because it is key to building human resources can determine the fate of
the nations. However, in reality there are
still many complaints
regarding the services
provided. Complaints need
to be organized into
a good complaint
management be able
to give a positive value.
To find out
how the management of
customer complaint in Dr. Iskak
tulungagung hospital used
five stages of customer complaint management
and four principles
of effective complaints
management theory based
on elaboration of the
NSW ombudsmans, Stauss,
Schnaars, and Tjiptono
are the commitment/emphaty, access, fairness,
and speed. This
study uses the
theory of public
service, customer complaints,
and complaints management theory.
Penulis: Dera Sri Mega Putri
Kode Jurnal: jpadministrasinegaradd130838