Media Pertumbuhan, Intensitas Cahaya dan Lama Penyinaran yang Efektif untuk Kultur Microcystis Hasil Isolasi dari Waduk Sutami di Laboratorium
Abstract: The main objective
of this research was to determine the appropriate method, in terms of media
type, light intensity and length of radiation, for culturing Microcystis in
laboratory. The treatments were natural media by filtering and sterilizing the
water from Sutami reservoir and four variations of selective media, i.e. ASN
III, BG11, Bold 3 N, and B12. The research on the influence of light intensity
and length of radiation used BG 11 media with varied light intensity (2–3, 5–6
and 8–9 KLux) and length of radiation (12 and 24 hours per day). A control
treatment was also conducted by using incubation in a greenhouse with naturally
light intensity and radiation. Microcystis abundance was calculated every day.
This abundance variable was used to calculate the rate of growth (β) and
carrying capacity (γ) of Microcystis, which can be supported by each media
treatment. The research result showed that the effective medium for culturing
Microcystis in the laboratory was selective medium of B12 and natural medium
obtained from Sutami reservoir which had been filtered and sterilized. The
highest carrying capacity of Microcystis was found at 8-9 KLux light intensity
treatment with radiation duration of 12 hours per day. However, the optimal
growth rate of Microcystis was found in the culture at 2–9 KLux light intensity
and 24 hours per day radiation duration.
Penulis: Catur Retnaningdyah, Umi
Marwati, Agoes Soegianto, Bambang Irawan
Kode Jurnal: jpbiologidd110050