Metode Sosiodrama dalam Meningkatkan Kecerdasan Moral Anak
Abstrak: Children grow
and develop in a life
colored by the violation of
others right, crime,
compulsion, ignorance, unclearness
between right and wrong, good and bad, allowed and not allowed behaviors.
Building moral intelligence is very
important to do in order that the children’s intuition is able to differentiate
the right and the wrong. Thus, they can
reject the bad influences from outside. One of the ways used to give moral
value to the children is sociodrama.The research aims to know the sociodrama
method in improving the moral intelligence of children. Subject of the research is the student of elementary school.
The number of subject in the experiment and control groups is same that is 14 students.
The research is design using model of The Untreated Control Group Design
with Pretest and Posttest. The design uses two groups examined which consist of
an experiment group and a control group. The measurement is conducted
twice using moral intelligence
measurement instrument, namely before it is given treatment (pre-test) and
after it has been given treatment (post-test).
The result of analysis using T-Test shows that there is a difference of
moral intelligence achievement level of the
children between those who receive moral value guidance through
sociodrama method and those who do not receive
moral value guidance through sociodrama method p = 0,009 (p<0,05).
The result of analysis also shows that there is
difference of moral intelligence achievement level of th children before
receiving moral value guidance through
sociodrama method and after they have receive the moral value guidance
through sociodrama method p = 0,033
(p<0,05). The result of analysis shows the great contribution of
sociodrama method towards the moral intelligence of children is 30,9%.
Penulis: Latifah Nur Ahyani,
Dhini Rama Dhania
Kode Jurnal: jpantropologidd110029