Model Pengasuhan Gizi Anak Balita Berdasarkan Pendekatan Faktor Risiko

Abstract: Based on results of the survey Assessment of Basic Data on Under fi ves and Mothers' Nutrition Situation Fast Up program USAIDWVI 2005 in three poor districts of Surabaya, Indonesia, the prevalence of malnutrition in sub districts Tambak Sari, Simokerto, andKenjeran was higher than the incidence in Indonesia. The role of the mother is the most important factor in alleviating the negativeeffects of nutritional problems through rearing, in providing food and health care, and nutrition for children. The survey results alsoshowed descriptively that there are few mothers who are able to provide care to sick and healthy children properly. Similarly, therewere only 67.1% of mothers who knew 4 of the 8 signs of malnutrition in question. Preventive measures should be a priority and itcan be pursued through the mother's understanding that there is a potential risk, risk factors, and knowing about the consequences ofnutritional problems. Therefore, we require nutritional risk approach strategy that relates to under fi ves rearing. The risk needs to besimplifi ed in a model. This study was aimed to establish an under fi ves nutritional rearing model based on a risk factor approach. TheLisrel program helps to shape the children’s nutrition rearing model based on nutritional risk factors in 1085 under fi ves. The results canonly shape a model of nutrition rearing in under fi ves aged 6–60 months. Nutritional care is a rearing risk factor underlying nutritionproblems in under fi ves. The ability of mothers to monitor children’s growth is an early prevention of child nutritional problems.
Keyword: model, nutrition rearing, under fives, risk factors, mothers
Penulis: Sri Umijati, Sri Kardjati, Ismoedijanto
Kode Jurnal: jpbiologidd120051

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