Sintesa Penyangga Aluminadan Hidrodesulfurisasi Dibenzothiophene (HDSDBT) dengan Katalis NiMo/γ-Al2O3
Abstract: Properties of Al2O3
support affect the performance of hydrotreating catalysts.Physico-chemical
properties of -Al2O3 is influenced by source boehmite whichthe source of origin
of -Al2O3 and the manufacturing conditions during thetransformation of boehmite
into -Al2O3. This research aims to studying theconditions of manufacture of
-Al2O3 from boehmite "catapal B" for support ofhydrotreating catalyst
with a surface area of alumina about 200 m2/gram andmechanical strength about
0.5 kg/mm. Research was done by the variation ofvariables: moles ratio
HNO3/AlOOH, moles ratio NH3/AlOOH, rate of drying,drying time, and calcination
temperature. -Al2O3 support produced wascharacterized by XRD, TPD NH3 and
mechanical strength tests. Testing -Al2O3 asa support of hydrotreating
catalysts based nickel-molybdenum was done onhydrodesulfurization of
dibenzothiophene (HDS DBT) reaction. The resultsshowed that the manufacturing
conditions of boehmite "catapal B" to -Al2O3which gives a surface
area of alumina about 200 m2/gram and mechanical strengthof about 0.5 kg/mm is
having mol ratio HNO3/AlOOH = 0.022; mole ratioNH3/AlOOH = 0.21; H2O/AlOOH =
3.4 (mol/mol); drying temperature = 120 °C;the rate of drying temperature = 5
°C/min; drying time = 3 hours; calcinationtemperature = 550 °C and calcination
time = 2 hours.
Penulis: Maria Ulfah, Subagjo
Kode Jurnal: jpbiologidd110202