Variasi Foramen Mentale pada Tulang Mandibula Tengkorak Manusia Koleksi Laboratorium Anatomi Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Cenderawasih

Abstract: Knowledge of the position of the mental foramen is important both when administering regional anaesthesia,performing periapical surgery and dental implant surgery and endodontic treatments in the mandible. This study was to investigate the variation of the mental foramen in human skull. The study sample included eleven skulls taken in Anatomy Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, Cenderawasih University. The mental foramen was symetrical in 100% of skulls. The most common size of foramen is 2.6 mm (46%) and the most common position of the mental foramen was between the first premolar and the second premolar (64%).
Key words:  mental foramen, variation , mandible, human skull
Penulis: Antonius Oktavian, Elieser Elieser dkk
Kode Jurnal: jpbiologidd100050

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