Pengaruh Campuran Kompos Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit, Abu Boiler Dan Trichoderma Terhadap Pertanaman Kedelai Pada Sela Tegakan Kelapa Sawit Yang Telah Menghasilkan Di Lahan Gambut
Abstract: The aim of this
experimentis to find out composite of the empty oil palm bunchesof compost, ash
of the boiler and activator of trichoderma optimum for growth andproduce of
soybean plant interposed between oil palm trees already produce at peatland.
The research was arranged in Randomized Block Design (RBD) consisting of9
levels with three replications. The treatments were namely : A ((without
bunchesof empty oil palm, ashes of boilers and activator of Trichoderma) ; B
(1,45 kgbunches of empty oil palm ) per plot; C (1,45 kg bunches of empty oil
palm + 145 gash of boilers) per plot; D (1,45 kg bunches of empty oil palm +
290 g ash ofboilers) per plot; E (1,45 kg bunches of empty oil palm + 290 g ash
of boilers) perplot; F (1,45 kg bunches of empty oil palm + 2,9 g activator of
trichoderma) perplot; G (1,45 kg bunches of empty oil palm + 145 g ash of
boilers + 2,9 g activatorof trichoderma) per plot; H (1,45 kg bunches of empty
oil palm + 290 g ash ofboilers + 2,9 g activator of trichoderma) per plot; and
I (1,45 kg bunches of emptyoil palm + 435 g ash of boilers + 2,9 g activator of
trichoderma) per plot. Afterplanting soybean plant of Grobogan Variety died on
treatment A (without bunchesof empty oil palm, ashes of boilers,and activator
of trichoderma), so the data wasnot analyzed of statistic. Parameters observed
were : height plant (cm), the numberof branches primary, the age of flowering
appearance (day), the number of pods,the percentage of pods filled, 100-seeds
weight (g) and dry seeds weight (g). Theresults showed that the treatments of
composite of the empty oil palm bunches ofcompost, ash of the boiler and
activator trichoderma were not significant on theheight plant, the number of
primary branches, flowering age, the percentage ofpods filled, and 100-seeds
weight, but significant on the number of pods and dryseeds weight. The best
application of treatment 1,45 kg bunches of empty oil palm+ 290 g ash of the boilers
+ 2.9 g trichoderma per plot increased the number ofpods and yield of soybean
plant of Grobogan Variety on peat land fruitful withproductivity dry seeds
weight 343,25 g/plot equivalent 1,19 ton/ha.
Penulis: Idwar, Nelvia, Ricki
Kode Jurnal: jpbiologidd140079