Implementasi Logika Fuzzy Metode Tsukamoto Dalam Penentuan Kelayakan Pemberian Kredit Mobil (Studi Kasus : PT.OTO Multiartha)
Abstract: Eligibility The
selection process of credit isusually uses by Branch Manager and
RegionalManager PT.OTO Multiartha Pontianak stillmanually so that the client
needs to considerwhether or not feasible given the financing orcredit.
Therefore built a Decision SupportSystem (DSS) to solve the problem. Themethod
used in this system is a Fuzzy Logicwith method of Tsukamoto. System built
tomake the process of selecting provision offinancing or credit based on
criteria set such ascharacter, income, expulsion and downpayment who is set by
the Branch Managerand Regional Manager PT.OTO MultiarthaPontianak. Criteria on
the system used as thebasis for survey activities, each of which isgiven the
weight of each criterion then becalculated with the method of TsukamotoFrom
Fuzzy Logic to get the end result thatdetermine the feasibility of a
prospectivecustomer/debitur financing funding recipients.Systems designed,
tested using percentage offinal state. Results of tests performed tocomparison
final state eligibility of selectingthe system is same or not with final
stateeligibility from PT.OTO Multiartha.. Inaddition the system is built to add
new criteriaand their detailed criteria that can be used fora longer time.
Keyword: Feasibility Financing
Credit,Examination Result, Criteria, FuzzyLogic, Method Tsukamoto, Decision Support
Penulis: Hengky Hartono
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd140185