ABSTRACT: After  the  economic  crisis  in  1997,  the  growth  of  Big  and  Medium  Scale  Industries  (MBI) have been slowing down. The perspective of business returns to SME’s. Meanwhile, the problems of  rubber  SME’s  products,  some  of  them,  have  been known  as  slow technology innovation, slow output  growth  (productivity)  and  lack  of  working  capital.  To  maintain  the  competition  in  the market,  rubber  SME’s  products  must  accompany  some  strategies,  in  order  to  survive  in  the market and having a bargaining position. This paper just made a recommendation of a model to optimize  the  growth  of  rubber  SME’s  products.  The  spread  and  diffusion  of  MBI  as  a  leader  to rubber SME’s products as follower can be done by making some assumptions which must be done by both parties. By doing this, rubber SME’sproducts could enhance their function in the economy and thus, They will have a secure market to support the economy and sustainability of economic growth. To increase the parameters of productivity can be implemented in some ways. The growth of investment, return of capital, working hours, and the growth of human resources quality can be maintain  as  the  engine  of  growth  for  rubber  SME’s  products.  To  perform  this,  They  could  do through  raised  of  the  saving,  lower  inflation  and  real  costs  through  government’s  policy.The development  of  industry  should  not  be  imposed  only  through  MBI.  The  participation  of  rubber SME’s products should be in the perspective of the government. As it has been mentioned above, the  sustainability  growth  of  rubber  SME’sproducts  must  be  integrated  with  the  growth  of  MBI. The  government  should realize  that most  of  Indonesia  population  works in  this sector, therefore the growth of this sector will be the locomotive engine of people’s economy.
Keywords: MBI, rubber, SME’s, Medium and Big Industries, Technology, Innovation
Penulis: Dewi Auditiya Marizka, Yandra Arkeman dan M. Syamsul Maarif
Kode Jurnal: jptindustridd140113

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