ABSTRACT: In the face of free markets in Asia that will occur by 2015, many companies are working to improve and enhance all aspects of its business. One improvement in terms of the  distribution  system.  IKM  DM  is  a  company  engaged  in  the  business  of  producing apparel  office  for  women.  IKM  DM  does  not  have  a  location  for  the  manufacture  of  its products  but  the  company  has  a  partner  that  is  11  business  locations  convection  which helps  in  the  production  activities  of  the  company.  The  company  currently  has  not implemented  the  planning  of  the  number  of  units  that  should  be  in  the  order  of distribution  and  scheduling  each  period  for  each  attempt  of  convection.  Recently, planning process only be conducted based on instinct of management and to the schedule undetermined. Every convection only be given a time limit the delivery of goods so to the warehouse IKM DM.
This  research  focuses  on  the  planning  and  scheduling  distribution  efforts  of convection  became  a  partner  of  the  IKM  DM  using  the  Distribution  Resource  Planning (DRP) and this study only deals with products of office trousers of IKM DM. Convection that  produce  these  products  there  was  only  5  convection,  namely  convection  alan, bambang, kusnandi, noto, and rani. The result of the calculation of DRP shows schedule distribution and the number of units of a product that must be submitted for each period.
Based  on  the  recapitulation  for  14  period  obtained  the  result  that  convection  alan  do order as many as 81,438 units, convection bambang as many as 18,625 units, convection kusnandi  as  many  as  89,265  units,  convection  noto  as  many  as  48,768  units  and convection rani as many as 60,099 units.
Keywords: Distribution System, Forecasting, Stock, Order, Distribution Resource Planning
Penulis: Syarif Hidayat, Devi Utami Agustini, Nunung Nurhasanah, Ajeng Putri
Kode Jurnal: jptindustridd140119

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