Abstract: Education is a tool to guide someone into good person especially religious education. Islamic education  in  particular  regarding  the  basic knowledge of Islam has been introduced when the students  sit  in  Class  I  to  Class  VI  of  elementary school  level.  But  in  the  era  globalization,  we  still found the naughtiness of teenager or children who far  from  noble  character  such  as  disobedient  to the  parents  and  teachers,  often  fighting,  stealing and  etc.  One  of  the  factors  that  caused  the children  have bad personality is less embedded of religious  soul  on  each  person  in  society.  Based  on these  problems  were  built  an  Islamic  educational game  that  expected  to  contribute  to  society  and children  as  an  alternative  media  in  delivering learning  about  the  science  of  religion  especially Islam  religion,  so  that  after  playing  this  game  the player  can  know  and  inflict  the  spirit  to  study Islam religion. In this educational game, there are elements  learning  by  doing  (learning  while playing)  which  combines  three  learning  methods, namely  the  demonstration  method,  story  method, and  play  method.  The  results  showed  that  the design  and  testing  of  educational  adventure  game "Si  Badol"  can  be  used  and  understood  by  the user. 
Keywords:  Islamic  educational  game,  the  adventure of “Si Badol”, “Si Badol”, Islam adventure game
Penulis: Zulfikar Ghazali
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd140155

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