Sistem Pakar Penanganan Penyakit Balita Dengan Metode Certainty Factor Program Studi Teknik Informatika Universitas Tanjungpura
ABSTRACT: Medical treatment of
digestive diseases that experienced by infants is useful as an early warning
ofdisease experienced in toddlers. Digestive diseases are caused by viruses and
bacteria, digestive diseasealso can influence children's intelligence. It is
closely related to the intelligence of the child when the childis eating a
healthy diet. It will be absorbed by the body as a process of growth and
development, but if thechild has a disorder of the digestive function of
nutrients in the body will become imbalanced. Theimbalancing of the nutrients
in the body will interfere with child growth and intelligence of
children.Expert system is one of the solution to diagnose the disease at an
early stage by infants digestivesymptoms that felt by the patient. In this
research an expert system created by applying certainty factor(CF).
Applications developed for determining the digestive diseases in children only
concerned to thesymptoms experienced by the child. By applying the method of
certainty factor (CF), we may obtainedvalues possible interference illnesses
experienced by the patient. System generated may handle thedata management and
diagnosis of disease with a level of confidence 85%. Symptom data entered will
beprocessed to obtain diagnostic results are in accordance with the calculation
of the value of certainty factor(CF) that exist.
Penulis: Liyan Febrianti
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd140101