Spatial Decision Support System Untuk Pencegahan Kebakaran Hutan (Studi Kasus: Kabupaten Kubu Raya)
Abstract: Forest is a natural
resource with hugepotential to be utilized for national development.However
threats and disturbances on forests andland that is hindering conservation
efforts are verycommon. One form of the disorder and the threat isforest fires.
Causes of forest fires in WestKalimantan are intentional, fire causes burning
andindirect influence. Intentional reason thatconducted on sufficient
consideration, for exampleto the traditional land clearance, but due
touncontrolled fires spread to other areas.Management activities and
geographical mappingare useful as a way of prevention must be plannedand
carried out continuously to help decisionmakers in determining the priority
areas that areprone to forest fires. This research aims to map theexisting
fire-prone areas in Kubu Raya district andanalyze the indicators that have been
determinedare hotspots, rainfall, peat thickness, fire-proneareas and
residential distance, so it can produce apriority of districts in the
determining forest fireproneareas. Analysis of composite prioritization isdone
by using Principal Component Analysis (PCA)and analysis of clusters to reduce
the decisiveindicator priorities and group the results of thePCA analysis so it
can determine the priority ofeach district. The system can manage spatial
dataand indicators tabular data and displayed in theform of maps and tables to
generate reports andgraphs of forest fire-prone areas. Based on the testresults
show an average accreditation formsresponders need to respond to the
application bythe percentage of 48,2%.
Penulis: Made Liya Elysa
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd140099