Abstract: Weapons  Industy  has  the  greatest  asset  in  the  production  of  klongsong  with  various  varians  meet  the  basic needs of military and public supplies, klongsong types 6 mm. Improving in quality does is not mean to increase the amount of  labor  or  replace  the  old  machine  with  a  new  one  but  rather  to  maximize  the  performance  of  the  production  system elements. This research is proposed to reduce the reject rate klongsong 6 mm process and to to determine the factors that influence  the  defective  product.  Six  Sigma  concept  is  used  to  discover  and  to  reduce  the factors  that  cause  disability  and error so as to improve the quality to wards zero failure rate. Six Sigma framework is known as Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, and Control (DMAIC). In Define phase of DMAIC is to define CTQ (Critical-To-Quality) through interviews with company  management.  In  the  Measure  phase  of  DMAIC  level  of  product  quality  (products  klongsong  6  mm  casing)  is measured. In Analysis phase of DMAIC  the causes of defects is analyzed through Ishikawa diagram. In Improve phase of DMAIC the preparation of the proposed improvements  is based on is based on prioritization using FMEA. The results of the analysis of the application of Six Sigma in production klongsong in average was 4.69 with DPMO 695.429. 
Key Word: Six Sigma , DMAIC , CTQ , Ishikawa , FMEA , DPMO
Penulis: Gunawan Pakki, Rudy Soenoko, Purnomo Budi Santoso
Kode Jurnal: jptindustridd140137

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