ABSTRACT: The level of waters pollution, apart from being determined by the characteristics physics-chemistry water  could  be  also  determined  by  the  aquatic  biota  that  played  a  role  as  the  bio-indicator.  The aquatic  organism  that  often  was  used  as  the  bio-indicator  to  suspect  water  pollution  and degradation  of  benthic  organism,  because  this  aquatic  organism  could  not  usually  avoid  contact with the pollutant as well as his life period relatively old, so as when the change in the quality of water and substrate occure then will affect the composition and his abundance. The sampling for the  benthic  organism  was  carried  out  to  five  observation  stations  that  were  spread  in  several locations of Sangatta River waters. The benthic organism that was above and in sediment mud was taken by using Ekman grab. Results of observation against the macroinvertebrates in each one the station was received the number of small species, that is 1 to 2 kinds with the abundance between 26 - 715 ind./m2. The calculation of the diversity index the benthic organism to all the observation stations was obtained the range thought between 0 - 0.56.  Based on the diversity index value of the benthic  organism  in  Sangatta  river  waters  showed  that  this  waters  environment  was  categorized heavily polluted. At further was based on the value of Dominance and Regularity Index generally showed  that  the  benthic  organism  respectively  the  kind  in  this  waters  environment  spread  not equitable.
Keywords: benthic organism, biological indicator, level of pollution
Kode Jurnal: jpperikanandd140005

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