Faktor Risiko Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Kristal Batu Saluran Kemihdi Desa Mrisi Kecamatan Tanggungharjo Kabupaten Grobogan
ABSTRACT: A stone in the
urinary tract commonly known as Urinary Calculus has been recognized since the
era of Babylonia and Ancient Egypt. In 2002, Indonesia had 37,636 cases of
Urinary Calculus. Male group has a 4 times higher risk of Urinary Calculus than
female group. In addition, it often happens at the age of 45 years. More than
80% of Urinary Calculus consists of calcium, i.e. calcium oxalate and calcium
phosphate. The objective of this research was to analyze the risk factors of
Urinary Calculus in urine among inhabitants. Method: It was an observational
research using cross-sectional design. This research was conducted at Mrisi village,
Sub District of Tanggungharjo in Grobogan. Number of respondents was 45
persons. Furthermore, univariate, bivariate, and multivariate statistical
techniques were applied to analyze data using SPSS version 16.0. Result:This
research showed that significant risk factors to the occurrence of Urinary
Calculus were as follows: length of stay (p=0.028) and habit of vegetable
consumption (RP=2.125; 95%CI: 1.078-4.187).Conclusion:People consuming high
oxalate vegetables have a probability tosuffer from Urinary Calculus equal to
45.28%. They were recommended to drink as much as 2 – 2.5 liters/day, reduce
consuming high oxalate foods, and consume various vegetables and fruits. In
addition, they need to consume citrate if consuming high oxalate foods and they
would like to treat water by boiling and cooling down before drinking.
Penulis: Retno Sulistiyowati,
Onny Setiani, Nurjazuli
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd130448