Hubungan Pajanan Pestisida Dengan Kejadian Hipotiroid Pada Wanita Usia Subur di Daerah Pertanian Hortikultura Desa Gombong Kecamatan Belik Pemalang
Abstract: Thousands of farmers
and farm workers were poisoned by pesticides each year. Risk of exposure
topesticides in agriculture as well as to women who are involved in
agricultural activities, one of them washypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism in the
group of women of childbearing age (WCA) can cause reproductivedisorders such
as infertility, spontaneous abortion, fetal growth disorders, and premature
birth. The researchobjective was to prove that exposure to pesticides is a risk
factor for hypothyroidism on WCA in highlandagricultural area Gombong village,
Belik subdistrict Pemalang regency.Methods : Cross-sectional study on 34
subjects research at highland agricultural Gombong District Pemalang
Regency.Samples were taken by using a systematic Sampling method. Pesticide
exposure was measured by asking WCA’s(17-35 years) involved in agricultural
activities using structured questionnaire and by checking their level
ofcholinesterase. Incidence of hypothyroidism measured using TSH (Thyroid
Stimulating Hormone) rate parameter.Confounding variables were also measured.
These variables were level of education, BMI, participation in
hormonalcontraception, iodine intake, and exposure to cigarette smoke. Data
would be analyzed using Chi-Square test at 0,05level of significancy.Result :
The prevalence of hypothyroidism among WCA was 2.,4 %.. Pesticide exposure is a
risk factor forhypothyroidism; PR 95 % CI = 4.278 ( 1.347-13.581) and
p-value=0.015. The higher the degree of exposure, the greaterthe risk of having
hypothyroidism. The results showed that there was no correlation between age,
level of education,BMI, participation in hormonal contraception, iodine intake,
and exposure to cigarette smoke with hypothyroidismon childbearing age woman in
highland agricultural area Gombong village, Belik subdistrict Pemalang
regency.Conclusion: Pesticide exposure is a risk factor for thyroid dysfunction
among WCA in agricultural areas.
Penulis: Dias Aji Bantarwati, Suhartono,
Ari Suwondo
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd130455