ABSTRACT: Coconut is one of
multifunction plant, every part of it was useful. One of its usage is fruit
flesh grating and then dried to avoid
bacteria’s growth, so it can be used to prepare bread, biscuit, candy,
taking the coconut milk and ingredient of coconut flour. Therefore, the writer
was design and constructed grated coconut dryer. This research has been done
since April to August 2014 in Laboratorium Keteknikan Pertanian, Fakultas
Pertanian Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan by literature study, construction
testing and observing the equipment. The
parameters observed were effective
capacity, tested of the equipment, analyzed the economic value.
Based on this research it was summarized that the effective capacity of the
equipment was 0,67 kg/hr, basic costs were Rp.15.391,36 for the first year, Rp.
13.739,39 for the second year, Rp. 13.189,49 for the third year, Rp. 12.915,02
for the fourth year and Rp. 12.750,65 for the fifth year, break event point was
752,21 kg/year for the first year, 405 kg/year for the second year, 290 kg/year
for the third year, 232,52 kg/year for the fourth year and 198,03 kg/year for
the fifth year, net present value was Rp. 118,963.293,2, internal rate of
return was 43,56%, its mean that this equipment was worthy to use.
Penulis: Karten Malau, Lukman
Adlin Harahap, Achwil Putra Munir, Sumono
Kode Jurnal: jppertaniandd150036