Abstrak: This research was carried out to examine basic properties (anatomical structure, chemical, physical and mechanical) of jabon merah wood (Anthocephalus macrophyllus (Roxb.) Havil) taken from natural forest in Luwu Timur District South Sulawesi Province. Potential uses of wood were determined by considering those properties and wood uses which the local inhabitants have currently employed. Results revealed that jabon merah heartwood is yellowish rather tend to red in colour and not clearly distinct from the sapwood, texture is rather fine and even, grain is straight and sometimes rather interlocked, wood surface is rather glossy, rather smooth to smooth in touch, and moderate in hardness. Fiber is remarkably long with very thin wall thickness. High in cellulose and extractive, moderate in lignin and low in pentose content. Moderate in specific gravity (0.48), very low in shrinkage and classified in wood strength class III. Potential uses are for light construction material under roof, cheap furniture, handicraft, measuring and drawing instruments, pencil, box and stick of matches, toothpick, spoon and handles of ice cream, moulding, wood composites, pulp and paper, pallet, packing box and concrete forms.
Keywords: Anatomical, chemical, mechanical, uses of wood, jabon merah
Penulis: Mody Lempang
Kode Jurnal: jpkehutanandd140016

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