Abstract: The application of deaf children developing language skills are teaching at schools that focus on deaf children language acquisition through approaches, methods, and media learning which adapted to the conditions and children’s needs. The purpose of this research is: 1). To describe the language development of the child with hearing impairment, 2). To describe the applicated development language skills in deaf children in the classroom TLO Semarang State SLB, 3). To explain the driving and inhibiting factors the development of the application of language skills in deaf children in the classroom TLO SLB Negeri Semarang.This research used descriptive qualitative method for understanding the phenomenon that has been experienced by the research subjects, such as early language which is owned by deaf children, driving and inhibiting factors the ability of deaf children language. The subjects of this research were deaf children aged 3-5 years in TLO class at SLB Negeri Semarang. Data collection techniques used observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis with data reduction, data presentation, verification, and conclusion.The results of this study have shown, majority of deaf children in the TLO classroom cried after birth as a normal child in general. Early symptoms which had previously known to the parents was the child did not respond to the stimulus. Language development through the application of communication from heart to heart. Driving and inhibiting factors are active parenting role. Based on the above research it can be concluded that the deaf children in the TLO classroom crying after birth as a normal child, teachers used heart to heart approach, and parents have an important role in the development of children's language. Author's suggestion is more creative teachers in planning learning, deaf children need of support from the community, government or education department can make a learning curriculum for children with special needs, and for further research to assess the learning plan.
Keywords: Deaf Children; Application of Language Development; Language Development
Penulis: Wantoro
Kode Jurnal: jppaudsddd130814

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