A Conceptual Model on the Relationships between Business Strategy, Business Model Innovation, Resource Configuration and Performance

Abstract: The  main  objective  of  this  study  is  to  develop  a  research  framework  for  strategic  management researchers to develop sound strategic business model innovation that has practical implication on how to  innovate  firms'  business  models.  The  research  identifies  factors  attributing  to  effective  business model: business strategies, type of business model innovations and types of resource configurations. This study framework can guide leaders and managers to acquire the appropriate capability of coping with  business  model  dynamics  as  well  as  major  transformation  that  arises  from  business  model innovations.  In  addition,  the  study  provides  insightful  contributions  in  explaining  the  influence  of business strategies (defender, prospector, analyzer) on business model innovations and firm resource configuration,  and  their  influence  on  business  model  effectiveness.  This  study  model  is  valuable considering the limited amount of empirical work previously done on the topic in question. Based on a case-study research survey in seven companies in Indonesia that took place in 2011-2012, we have drawn first conclusions expressed in four research propositions that deem further tests. One case (Food Co.) is highlighted for the description of the study to show some presence and absence of alignment between business strategy, business model innovation, and resource configuration. 
Keywords:  effective  business  model,  business  model  innovation,  business  strategy,  defender, prospector, analyzer, resource configuration
Author: Avanti Fontana, Siti Yasmina Zubaedah
Journal Code: jpmanajemengg120015

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Jp Manajemen gg 2012