Analysis The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Performance Through Leadership Style and Organizational Culture as A Moderator

Abstract: Performance are the result of a complex process, which are come from the employee (internal factors), company  situation  (external  factors)  and  the  company  strategic  efforts.  Performance  were  able  to assessed  of  corporate  achievement  objectives. The  purpose  is  to  analyzed  the  effect  of  emotional intelligence on performance through leadership style and organizational culture as moderator. Using a descriptive correlational method, this research have been conducted in the company of Pertambangan and Energi (Geothermal) in Kamojang. 205 employees selected as respondents by using proportionate random sampling. Questionaire was used as a tool in data collection method. Data analysis techniques is Multiple Regression Analysis. The result show that there is a positive correlation between emotional intelligence, leadership style, organizational culture and performance in the company.
Keyword: emotional intelligence, leadership style, organizational culture, performance
Author: Mentari Adriaeni Putri, Aurik Gustomo
Journal Code: jpmanajemengg120016

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Jp Manajemen gg 2012