ABSTRACT: The  objectives  of  the  research  were  to  understand  indicators  of  business  sustainability  tourism  from stakeholders’ perspectives in relation to 3P (People, Planet, Profit), to understand how the concept of sustainability is operationalized in the Pancawati group in relation to 3P (People, Planet, Profit), and to  map  the  value  chain  of  Lembur  Pancawati  as  the  case  in  Ecotourism  in  Bogor.  The  methodology used  was  qualitative  descriptive  practice-oriented  business  research  with  single  case  study.    Based on  the  stakeholder  analysis  in  Bogor  tourism,  the  indicators  of  sustainable  business  in  tourism  are: (i)  Involvement  from  local  people,  (ii)  Preservation  of  nature  and  local  culture,  (iii)  Availability  of nature Education program, (iv) Strong commitment from business owner/leader, (v) Sufficient capital to support the initial business establishment, (vi) Availability of various networks. The operationalization in Pancawati Group was observed to have item i, iii, and iv partially implemented and the rest was fully implemented. The position of Pancawati Group in value chain was as main firm, as it acted as multiple actors in the chain.  In order to have all indicators implemented, it was suggested to have public private partnership in place.
Keywords: Sustainable Tourism, Value Chain, Qualitative Methods
Author: Faradesi Ardialisa, Aji Hermawan, M. Achmad Chozin
Journal Code: jpmanajemengg120025

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Jp Manajemen gg 2012