ABSTRACT: Smartphone provides a one stop solution for mobile calls, email sending, and internet access, Smartphone is compact in size and often only slightly bigger than standard mobile phone. Recently the Smartphone sales increased for the brand at an affordable price as Oppo, Xiaomi, and Zenfone. That is why  those  Smartphone  are  bought  by  many  people  in  Manado.  This  research  is  designed  to  provide information about marketing implementation and get a better knowledge regarding the role of product attributes  of  Oppo,  Xiaomi  and  Zenfone.  The  method  used  in  this  research  is  quantitative  research method  using  correspondent  analysis  which  will  provide  an  emphasis  on  numerical  data  (number) processed with statistical methods. The data from this research were gathered by using questionnaire, which  the  sample  is  the  representative  customer  with  simple  random  sampling  approach.  There  are several points that can be found to be the main point is that each Smartphone has their own benefit and luxury  offers  by  the  companies.  The  result  of  this  study  confirms  that  according  to  customer perception, Zenfone has the very good function, ease of use, design, eco-friendliness and satisfaction compare with  the two product  Smartphone, in this  case Xiaomi and Oppo.  In  the terms of reliability and durability, Oppo is more superior. Xiaomi‟s product attributes are less attractive compare to both of its competitors according to customer perception.
Keywords:  customer perception, product attributes, smartphone
Author: Junistia Priscilla Sjamsoedin, David Paul Elia Saerang
Journal Code: jpmanajemengg140126

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Jp Manajemen gg 2014