Destination Branding and Its Influence on Tourist’s Satisfaction and Loyalty

Abstract: Brand is known as a valuable asset as it enables to differentiate from competitors offerings as well as to generate  positive  perceptions  in  the  consumers'  mind.  In  the  tourism  sector,  as  part  of  winning competition, it is suggested that destination should also be branded. Destination brand is believed to enable a location to attract investment, business, and tourist which is then improving the local economy. The objective of this study is to empirically examine the structural model to understand the relationship between destination branding and behaviours in the tourism sector. Destination branding is built based on three elements namely destination image, perceived quality, and destination awareness while tourist loyalty  is  represented  by  tourist  satisfaction  and  loyalty.  By  applying  purposive  sampling,  150  valid questionnaires were analysed using Partial Least Squares. Results indicate that there were positive influences between perceived quality and brand awareness to satisfaction whereas brand image had no significant influence on satisfaction. Further, satisfaction significantly influenced loyalty.
Keywords: destination branding, destination image, perceived quality, destination awareness, and tourists' behavior
Author: jpmanajemengg120013

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Jp Manajemen gg 2012