ABSTRACT: The development of Information Technology that are now spreading on banking sector,  indirectly has met some of customers’ lifestyle who are more inclined want everything was instant and efficient, it is because of demands of  times  and work  which makes them have to be able to do other things, but can still do their work simultaneously.  But  in terms deciding to buy product/service that relate to information tecnology, people have consideration, wheter about the usefulness, ease of use and risk.  The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between perceived usefulness, perceived   ease of use, perceived risk on internet banking adoption especially to  customer that are lecturers of faculty of economics and business. This research is a quantitative research that use casual type of research. The data was collected through questionnair e with sample size is about 40  lecturers  who  are  selected  using  sampling  insidental  method  and  analyzed  by  m ultiple  linear  regression analysis method. The conclusion is there is significant positive  effect between perceived usefulness, perceived ease  of  use  and  perceived  risk  towards  Internet  banking  adoption.  It  means  banks  should  improve  the performance of internet banking services in order to more provide meaningful benefits for users and improve the security of transactions through Internet banking services to increase the adoption of Internet banking service. herefore the researcher recommended to the bank to better understand the needs of their customers in order to deliver services more effective.
Keywords: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived risk, internet banking adoption
Author: Andretha S. E. Langelo
Journal Code: jpmanajemengg130071

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Jp Manajemen gg 2013