ABSTRACT: Placebo effect recently gain much attention from the side of marketing researcher strive to deepen their knowledge  about  the  influence  of  various  psychological  concept  on  consumer  behavior.    It  is  well  know  that manipulating  with  various  marketing  variable  (e.g.  price  change,  packaging,  distribution  channels)  can significantly  influence  the  customer  believe  and  expectation  and  hence  change  their  perceptions  of  a  product. This research is designed to have a clearer image and deeper understanding about the the placebo effect on price among the consumer. The method used in this research is the qualitative research methodology with case study research  approach  which  will provide a descriptive  insight  about the  placebo effect. The data for this research were  gathered  from  observation,interviews  and  documents,  which  the  sample  is  random  people  with  different ocupation to get an impulsive idea about the placebo effect.In the findings, there are several perspective about the placebo effect on price but the main point is placebo effect is the fundamental to determine the quality of the product. Never underestimate the power of mind over matter. Payment might change level of abilities and skills. True or not, pay customers what it is worth, not the lowest that can get away with, because it’s the right thing to do.
Keywords: placebo effect, product, price 
Author: Viddie Johnpietra Pilat
Journal Code: jpmanajemengg140116

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Jp Manajemen gg 2014