ABSTRACT: Kampung  Vannamei  as  shrimp  cluster  is  being  developed  since  2004  by  PT  CP  Prima,  tbk Surabaya  through  Shrimp  Culture  Health  Management  transformation  technology  to  several traditional  farmers  in  Gresik,  Lamongan,  Tuban,  and  Madura  areas.    The  research  objectives aims to identify and mapping of stakeholder, to analyze interaction of stakeholders, to formulate strategy  from  internal  and  external  environment  factors  and  to  set  priority  on  strategy  to develop  sustainable  and  competitive  shrimp  cluster  in  the  Kampung  vannamei.  Primary  data was  collected  through  stakeholders’  discussion  forums,  questionnaires,  and  interviews  with relevant  actors.  Observations  to  the  business  unit  also  performed  to  determine  the  production and business conditions, particularly in capturing information about the threat and challenges. While  the  secondary  data  is  used  in  policy  documents  national  and  local  area  statistics,  and relevant  literature.    Analyses  were  performed  by  using  the  SRI  International  cluster  pyramid, diamond porter’s analysis, SWOT and Matrix TOWS analysis, and analytical hierarchy process.  Analyses  were  performed  by  the  methods  discussed  in  qualitative  and  descriptive.  There  are  7 strategies could be implemented to develop sustainable and competitive shrimp cluster. However, it is recommended to implement the strategy base on priority, which the first priority is strategy to  improve  linkages  between  businesses  in  the  upstream  and  downstream  industries  into  multi stakeholders’ platform in shrimp industry. 
Keywords: Shrimp, Cluster, Competitiveness, Diamond Porter, SWOT Analysis, AHP
Author: Anas M. Fauzi, R.Dikky Indrawan, Farida Ratna Dewi, Lindawati Kartika, Alim Setiawan Slamet, Firmansjah
Journal Code: jpmanajemengg120010

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