ABSTRACT: Word-of-mouth (WOM) Marketing is widely considered the most influential source of information for consumer purchase  decisions, and the explosion of social media has stirred interest in the communication. The relation  of  Traditional  Word-of-Mouth  and  electronic  word-of-mouth  (  e-wom  )  on  purchase  decision  are positively influential. Research to 100 respondents of student in International Business Administration program, Economic and Business faculty in SamRatulangi university. The most of student knows about word-of-mouth of marketing. Based on the result of this research conducted to analyze the effect of Traditional word-of-mouth and electronic  word-of-mouth  on  purchase  decision  with  study  case  at  International  Business  Administration (IBA)’s student, it can be inferred that.  The result of regression analysis indicates that the job characteristic and working  condition  have  a  significant  effect  to  purchase  decision  in  student  of  IBA.WOM  marketing  has positively effect on purchase decision, they chose to buy a goods or services based on recommendation from family, close relatives, or friends. In research showed that the process of WOM much going on with Face-toface recomendation or called Traditional Word-of-Mouth, rather than electronic media.
Keywords: purchase decision, word-of-mouth marketing
Author: Chintya Amelia Nelly Sanger
Journal Code: jpmanajemengg130067

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Jp Manajemen gg 2013