The Role of Source Credibility and Place Attachment In Enhancing Visitors' Satisfaction

Abstract: Tourism is one of  the important tools for development. In order to survive, credible resources and place attachment are keys for today's competition in the tourism sector. The objective of  this study is to assess the relationships among source credibility, place attachment, and visitors' satisfaction. The study surveyed visitors in the World Heritage Site (WHS) Borobudur. Borobudur as a premium destination in Indonesia should be well managed so that it will strongly create attachment among visitors. A valid 132 questionnaires were analyzed using Partial Least Squares – Structural Equation Modeling. All the proposed relationships were supported meaning that the important role of  both credible resources and place attachments to visitors' satisfaction was confirmed. The findings offer important implications where  Government  and  tourism  agency  should  take  priority  on  the  importance  of   source  credibility  and  engaging marketing approaches for building place attachment. For academic, this study enriches and provides empirical evidence on the relationships proposed to the tourism and marketing literature.
Keywords: Source credibility, place attachment, satisfaction, WHS Borobudur
Author: Ratna Roostika, Muafi
Journal Code: jpmanajemengg140002

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Jp Manajemen gg 2014