ABSTRACT: The objective of this study were : 1) to improve development of Bogor Botanical Garden ecotourism value chain, 2) to recommend strategies of development for Bogor Botanical Garden ecotourism value chain,  and  3)  to  formulate  programs  that  increase  value  added  for  Bogor  Botanical  Garden  value chain, especially for involved SME’s. Data collected from survey, in depth interview, and literature was analyzed using descriptive analysis, value chain analysis, SWOT analysis.  The results of SWOT analysis indicated that the strength of The Bogor Botanical Garden value chain was the well known Bogor  Botanical  Garden,  the  weakness  was  lack  of  investment  to  improve  the  Bogor  Botanical Garden, the opportunity was the support of government, and the threat was the growing of ecotourism competitor. Recommended strategies were : 1) relying on the strenghts of Bogor Botanical Garden as a focal point of the plus ecoedutourism programs, 2) improving quality of human resources at each value  chain,  3)  increasing  investment  for  the  development  of  value  chain,  and  4)  marketing  Bogor Botanical Garden as past of various integrated packages with other tourism objective in Indonesia.
Keywords: Bogor Botanical Garden, Ecotourism Value Chain, SWOT Analysis
Author: Doni Yusri, Arief Daryanto, Hadi K. Purwadaria
Journal Code: jpmanajemengg120024

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Jp Manajemen gg 2012