Eksklusi Sosial dalam Anggaran Publik Studi Kasus di Ngawi, Lamongan, dan Makasar
Abstrak: The article aims to
describe the process of social exclusion and inclusion within local government
budget (APBD) in Lamongan and Ngawi East Java in 2006-2008, and Makasar South
Sulawesi in 2009. Social exclusion was indicated by the absent of public participation
in the decision making process. Social exclusion for public local budget
appeared in regulation level such as unclear mechanism of public participation
and the constraints to access budget documents. Those lead to avoid civil
society to understand the real local budget. However, civil societies in three
regions made several strategies to reduce social exclusion. The process was begun
by the attempts to open public access for budget forums and budget documents by
developing cooperation with member of local parliament. The next step of the
process was inviting civil society organizations to attend budget deliberation
forums to analyze the documents using a simple method to compare between public
and apparatus expenditure. The result of budget analysis showed that public
budget excluded public interest as the most important aspect of social
exclusion in public budget.
Penulis: Dzuriyatun Toyibah
Kode Jurnal: jpsosiologidd110142