Abstract: This  study  aims  to  determine  how  well  the  items  of  the  exam  in  the  personality psychology   test.  In  this  study,  the  statistical  methods  were  used  to  identify  the  item  difficulty, which is a measure of the proportion of examinees who responded to an item correctly, and the item discrimination, which is a measure of how well the item discriminates between examinees.  An additional analysis that is the distractor analysis. The distractor analysis provides a measure of how well each of the incorrect options contributes to the quality of a multiple choice item.  By using The Iteman Program showed that the 60 analyzed items were well enough and can be  used.  A  total  of  46  items  has  an  Easy  and  Medium  of  The  item  difficulty  index.  In  addition there are about 44 items with good and very good  of the item discrimination index and  about 57 points aitem already possess the characteristics of a good. The reliability coefficient alpha of this personality test is 0.898, so it is considered to have good reliability.
Penulis: Muhammad Wahyu Kuncoro 
Kode Jurnal: jpsosiologidd120140

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