Hutan Rakyat dan Serbuan Pasar: Studi Refleksi Pengusahaan Hutan Rakyat Lestari secara Kolaboratif di Pacitan, Jawa Timur

Abstract: Market-oriented exploitation in managing lndonesian forest has led to the enaironmental problems. Such process has also created economic problems for local people who live around the forest as their economic resources are declining significantly. This paper argues that collaborative forest management involving non-governmental organization, local communities, priaate sector and government may enhance the economic welfare of local communities; while at the same time preserve ecological of the forest
Keywords: hutan rakyat; hutan negara; eksploitasi pasar; kolaborasi pengelolaan hutan; ekonomi rakyat
Penulis: Bambang Siswoyo
Kode Jurnal: jpsosiologidd070004

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Jp Sosiologi dd 2007