PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM BAGI ANAK DI ERA OTONOMI DAERAH (Studi tentang Peran Pemerintah Daerah dalam Mengatasi Masalah Pekerja Anak)

ABSTRACT: The State plays a role and is responsible for the provision of protection in children, including the fulfillment of children's rights. But organizers of both Government and state, local  governments  still  lack  the  attention  and  protection  of  the  child.  In  the  province  of Lampung, children who work under is still very high, the national team is the acceleration of poverty reduction (TNP2K) released the number of child workers in Lampung until 2012 reached  4  thousand.  That  problem  was  interesting  to  do  research  with  regard  to  how  the legal  instruments  sitting  in  protecting  child  workers,  what  efforts  are  undertaken  by  local authorities in Lampung province to protect child workers and the challenges faced in giving protection  against  child  labor.  Based  on  research  conducted  with  the  normative  approach which  is  done  by  examining  the  legal  aspects  relating  to  the  legal  protection  of  child workers  suggest  that  many  settings  have  legal  protection  against  child  labor  in  Indonesia and in particular in the province of Lampung is set in Regulation No. 4 Lampung Provinces in 2008 About the service of the rights of the child. Protective measures against child labor include  the  aspects  of  legal  protection,  the  protection  of  economic,  social  and  technical protection.  The  efforts  that  have  been  undertaken  by  the  regional  Government  of  the province  of  Lampung  in  protecting  child  workers  is  by  pulling  the  child  workers  in  the province  of  Lampung  from  environmental  work  to  return  was  educated  at  the  school. Obstacles that occur in the field more because many workers' children scattered in remote areas that are difficult to do logging, monitoring, and coaching for child workers. So it is recommended that local government existing regulations optimize and conduct cooperation with all the parties to carry out protection and address the problem of child workers in the area. 
Keywords: Legal protection, children's workers, autonomous region
Penulis: Agus Triono
Kode Jurnal: jpsosiologidd140168

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