Abstract: This research based on that there are not protection of the Goverment of human rights all migrant workers including illegal migran workers and his/her familily where the state they are. This normative research is aimed to compare the law between national policy and international law. This research show that International law have designed to protect human rights for all migrant workers including illegal migran workers and his/her familily where the state they are. There are standards that create a pattern for law and administrative procedure and courts for every state that do ratification to anssure and fulfill migrant workers human rights in the recieving state. Indonesian has only protection to legal migran workers cause did not ratifiy the Convention yet. The States where be purposed of Indonesian migran workers have do yet ratification yet. This Condition makes the Indonesian migran workers sensitive on human rights violation. By Law regulations and Law enforcement and ratifiy the Convention for the law and human rightsprotection migrant workes, its show as consecuency from relation and harmonism national law and international law but futher as realization of state responsiblity to fulfill human righst migrant workers and his/her family.
Key words: Migrant worker, human rights and law protection
Penulis: Retno Kusniati Fakultas Hukum
Kode Jurnal: jpsosiologidd090075

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Jp Sosiologi dd 2009