Abstract: In  today’s  culture,  the  modern  society  is  constantly  bombarded  with  prejudicial  and discriminatory images and ideas which can shape stereotype of certain context. The consistency and  pervasiveness  of  cultural  stereotypes  suggest  another  route  of  transmission,  namely  the television. JTV has been producing Public Service Announcements (PSAs) frequently that portray the cultural daily lives of East Java. This may embed certain level of stereotype to audience minds about  East  Java.  Therefore,  the  research  objective  is  to  see  the  portrayal  of  East  Java  in  PSAs produced  by JTV. With the research method of quantitative content  analysis was undertaken to examine the construction of East Java by using the components of portrayal of culture in media as  a  gauge.  The  findings  as  overall  are  the  components  that  present  and  consistently  shown  in JTV  PSAs  tend  to  depict  stereotypical  traits  of  East  Java  culture.  The  results  give  a  strong foundation that it likely displays hegemony process by JTV through the imagery shown in its PSAs. It  highlights  the  tendency  of  traditional  value  when  associated  with  modernism  concept.  The portrayals of East Java were appropriated with the discourse of “traditional” and “modern” distinctions, which more likely show the traditional value of East Java. This study can be used as a foundation  for  further  research  about  media  portrayal.  Also,  this  study  contributes  to  media institutes as consideration for the production concept.
Keywords:  Media  Portrayal,  Local  Media,  Public  Service  Announcements, Stereotype
Author: Melarissa Benedicta Sjarief
Kode Jurnal: jpkomunikasigg130002

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