Agama dalam Perjalanan Gangguan Mental Psikotik dalam Konteks Budaya Jawa
Abstract: The inter
relationship between religion
and mental illness
is very complex.
Religion can be an effective therapy
but it can
also be the
trigger of mental
illness. This study
aims at exploring religious and
spiritual issues among
psychotic patients. This
study employs a
qualitative case study
method. The subjects were
7 patients who suffered from a
first episode psychotic
disorders. They were recruited based on the diagnosis provided by two
mental hospitals in Yogyakarta. Data were
collected through interviews
and observations, either
directly to the
subject or to
the family caregivers. Several
themes in this
study showed that
religion had a
role in triggrering
psychotic disorder through internal moral conflict and external conflict
between particular religious groups and
traditions. Some religious
issues were also
present in the
symptoms of psychotic
disorder particularly in the
content of delusion
and hallucination. Meanwhile,
religious coping played
an important role in
the process of
recovery. Participants understood
that their illness
was their destiny (takdir)
which had to be accepted
(nrimo). Acceptance of
participants’ destiny did not associate
with fatalistic attitude.
On the contrary,
their understanding that
the illness was
from God meant that it could be cured. This understanding provided a
light of hope which ignited their effort (usaha) to solve their problem.
Penulis: M.A. Subandi
Kode Jurnal: jppsikologiabnormaldd120006

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