DEGRADASI LAHAN PADA SAWAH BEKAS PERTAMBANGAN BATU BATA DI KECAMATAN SALAMAN KABUPATEN MAGELANG TAHUN 2014 (Sebagai Bahan Pengayaan dalam Pembelajaran Geografi Pada Kompetensi Dasar “Menganalisis Sebaran Barang Tambang di Indonesia Berdasarkan Nilai Strategisnya” Kelas XI Semester I Sekolah Menengah Atas)

ABSTRACT: The purposes of this study were:  (1) determine the  level of degradation which occurred in rice fields used brick mining in Salaman district (2) determine the level of productivity  of  paddy  in  rice  field  in  Salaman  District  (3)  determine  the  handling priority  of  rice  field  used  brick  mining  in  Salaman  District  (4)  determine  the implementation  of  land  degradation  in  rice  fields  used  brick  mining  in  Geography learning in class XI of Senior High School.
This  study  used  qualitative  methods  with  survey  as  the  type  of  research.  The approach used was spatial. The unit of analysis is a unit derived from an overlay of the Land Use Map, Soil Map, Slope Map, and excavation depth data, with the result was 10 land units. The technique of soil sampling used purposive sampling while the technique of  respondent  sampling  was  stratified  purposive  sampling.  The  techniques  of  data collection were field observation, interview, and documentation.
The  results  of  this  study  were:  (1)  Rice  field  degradation  class  in  Salaman District  consists  of  medium  degraded  land,  which  is  870.9  Ha  (40.6%)  on  land  units Sw-LC-I-0 and Sw-LC-I-30; low degraded land area, which is480.6 Ha (22.4%) on land units  Sw-KLMK-II-0,  Sw-KLMK-II-30,  Sw-ACK-I-0,  and  Sw-ACK-I-30.  (2)  The decreasing of productivity between the origin land and the used brick mining land in the land units Sw-ACK-I-0 with Sw-ACK-I-30 worth of 281 kg/Ha, as well as on land SwLC- I-0 with Sw-LC-I-30 worth of 2597.4 kg/Ha. (3) Handling priority of rice field after brick  mining  in  Salaman  District  consists  of  first  priority  on  land  units  Sw-ACK-I-0, Sw-ACK-I-30  and  Sw-LC-I-0,  which  is  1033.7  Ha  (48.2%);  Second  priority  on  land units Sw-KLMK-II-0, Sw-KLMK-II-30, and Sw-LC-I-30, which is 317.7 Ha (14.8%). (4) The  implementation  of  the  land  degradation  in  brick  mining  and  the  result  map  as  a learning material for Geography learning in Class XI Senior High School Semester I.
Keywords: Degradation, Fertility, Mining, Brick
Penulis: Erni Latifah Wulandari, Setya Nugraha dan Danang Endarto
Kode Jurnal: jppendidikandd142186

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