Hubungan antara Self Efficacy dengan Kecerdasan Interpersonal pada Mahasiswa Tingkat Akhir di Perguruan Tinggi Negeri “X” Malang
ABSTRACT: This research is a
correlational quantitative study, which aims to determine the relationship
between self efficacy with interpersonal intelligence on final year students at
the State University “X” Malang. The subject of this research were 100 final
year students at the State
University “X” Malang. This research is using two scales, self efficacy scale
and interpersonal intelligence scale. The scale is compiled by researcher based
on Bandura’s self efficacy aspects (Ghufron
& Risnawita S, 2012)
and interpersonal intelligence
by Anderson (Safaria,
2005). Self efficacy scale’s
value of realibility
is 0,900 and
consist of 29
items, interpersonal intelligence’s value of reliability is 0,939 and
consists of 27
items. Analysis of the research data is using product moment
correlation, and the results is 0.434 with a significance value of 0.000 (ρ =
0.01). It means that there is a positive
correlation between self
efficacy and interpersonal
intelligence on the final
year students, the
higher the student’s
self-efficacy means that
their interpersonal
intelligence also higher,
on the contrary
when self-efficacy is low
then the student’s interpersonal intelligence is also low.
Penulis: Cahyaning
Widhyastuti, Sumi Lestari, Ika Herani
Kode Jurnal: jppsikologiperkembangandd100013