Perilaku Obsesif Kompulsif Disorder pada Peserta Penurunan Berat Badan
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this
study is to observe a person with obsessive compulsive behavior when trying
to lose her
weight. This research
used a female
subject. This study
used a qualitative case study
toward woman. Subject
is woman who have
obsessive compulsive tendencies on
her weight loss.
This research used
primary and secondary
data. This study used
semi-structured interviews and
observations. Analysis of
the data used open
coding, axial coding and selective coding. Data validation techniques
used the validity and reliability.These studies showed that obsessive
compulsive tendencies on the subject “IC”. The subject often showed
and not trying
to fight her
mind and always
mirroring to make sure her
body shape has not changed. Subject a so felt guilty when eating foods
that become an enemy. In this study the author find bulimia a companies diet
Penulis: Mareta Anggraeni, Lusy
Asa Akhrani, Ika Herani
Journal Code: jppsikologiabnormaldd070001