Abstract: Voter and political party are social categories that always there is in every  democratic  event.  But  relation  between  both  sometimes  on unequal  and  transactional  condition.  Political  party  more  stronger than voter. Furthermore the voter is easily to demage and break by social  identity  of  politic  that  truly  war  in  competition.  Struggle  to defend  positive  of  social  identity  is  one  of  factors  to  appearance violent between voter. Beside that there is administrative problem such as list of permanent voter can be stimulation of violent rising because voter obtain sharp of illegal status.  Potential of voter violent in democratic event was unexpeceted. The  matter  can  be  avoidance  if  political  party  growth  in interactional justice reinforcement such as neutrality, respectly, and  trustly  of  voter.  So  relation  between  party  and  voter became  interactional.  And  democration  as  media  to  creat  civil society can be manifest in whole situation.
Key Word: voter, social identity, violent, civil society
Penulis: Muhammad Johan Nasrul Huda
Kode Jurnal: jppsikologipolitikdd110001

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Jp Psikologi Politik dd 2011