Psychoeducation of Healthy Dating to Reduce the Risk of Sexual Violence in Female Street Children

Abstract: This study was conducted to determine whether psychoeducation of healthy dating can reduce the risk of sexual violence in female adolescents of street children community.  Subjects in this study were 8 adolescents of street children community of City North  Square  of  Yogyakarta.    The  study  used  one  group  pretest-posttest  design  and  follow  up.    The  results  of  Wilcoxon  test showed  that  there  is  no  significant  difference  between  the  scores  of  sexual  violence  before  psychoeducational  healthy  dating (pretest) and after (post-test) with the Z number of -1.420 and p value of 0.156 (p> 0.05), and the decrease of the mean score was 4.44.  Likewise, there was no difference between the scores of sexual assault after courting healthy psychoeducation (posttest) and during follow-up with the Z number of -1.612 and p = 0.107 (p> 0.05) and the decrease of the mean score was 4.  However, there were significant differences between the scores of sexual violence before (pretest) and follow-up with z = -2.103 and p = 0.035 (p <0.05),  and  the  decrease  of  the  mean  score  was  8.44  which  indicated  that  the  application  of  a  psychoeducational  healthy  dating could reduce the risk of sexual violence of girls in street children community, but it needed 1 month to be applied in the form of healthy dating behavior.
Keywords: psychoeducation of healthy dating, sexual violence, street children
Author: Dessy Pranungsari, Koentjoro, and Sri Kushartati
Journal Code: jppsikologiklinisgg140002

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